Package Detail Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Platinum plus Platinum plus plus Custom
Keywords covered 7 14 21 28 35 42 49
Keywords Analysis
Google website creation
Google map optimization
Leads Action Reports
Reviews management
Bad Review Removal Appeal to Google
Google photo sharing and management
Google posting at back end 8 12 16 20 22 24 26
Keywords Rank Tracking in Google
Promote Google map listing
Reports delivery Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Completed Projects


Happy Clients


Countries Served


Client retention


Our Local SEO packages include a range of services such as website optimization for local search, local keyword research, Google My Business optimization, local business citations, and local link building. The specific services included may vary depending on the package you choose.

The cost of our Local SEO packages may vary depending on the scope and complexity of the project. We offer customized pricing based on your specific requirements, so please contact us for a quote.

Local SEO results can vary depending on the competition in your local market. However, we typically see results within a few months of starting the campaign. We will provide you with regular reports and updates on the progress of your Local SEO campaign.

Yes, we offer Google My Business optimization services that can help your business rank higher in local search results and attract more local customers.

Yes, we have experience working with e-commerce websites and can provide customized Local SEO services to help you improve your online sales and visibility in local markets.

We use a customized approach to Local SEO that includes technical optimization, local keyword research, Google My Business optimization, local business citations, and local link building. Our team of experts stays up-to-date with the latest Local SEO trends and best practices to ensure that we deliver high-quality results for our clients.

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